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Enhance Your Life With Breast Augmentation

How many times have you dreamt of a fuller, more attention-getting chest? It’s ok to admit it! With so many exciting options for breast augmentation available today, you may be curious to find out if an augmentation is right for you! Maybe you’ve even searched the Internet to see what information Google can help you […]

Treat Stubborn Chin Fat with Kybella

Are you self-conscious of loose skin, or a fatty bulge of tissue below your chin? Often referred to as a double chin, these fat deposits can be stubborn and unresponsive to exercise or dieting. Previously, the only way thought to treat double chins was invasive, a surgical procedure like a facelift or liposuction. Now, there […]

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Vs. Non-Plastic Surgeon

“To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.” – Abraham Maslow We are living in an era where cosmetic enhancement is becoming more and more common, one could even say the norm. Cosmetic treatments allow both men and women to customize their body’s appearance to their […]

How Can Labiaplasty Surgery Benefit Me?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of the labia minora, the labia majora or both. This procedure has been offered for several decades, but is still largely misunderstood by the media. When done properly, labiaplasty surgery does not interfere with sexual sensation and may in fact increase it. It removes extra […]

Rejuvenate Your Appearance with Blepharoplasty

If you are interested in rejuvenating your appearance, eyelid surgery may be a good option for you. If you have a lot of excess skin around and under your eyes, this is likely detracting from your appearance. It is going to change the way that other people see you, and it will change the way […]

Correct Misshapen Ears with Otoplasty

When a person has misshapen ears, they usually do not like their appearance. Very few people would feel happy saying that their misshapen ears define who they are and they love this about their appearance. Most individuals would say that they dislike their misshapen ears and feel embarrassed when other people notice them. They will […]

Drooping Breasts? Consider a Breast Lift

You can’t stop the years from marching forward. As you get older, they seem to fly by even faster. You’ll start to notice inevitable changes in your body, from those gray hairs that start creeping in to wrinkles that line your face. Drooping breasts might be one problem that you never expected. If you feel […]

Target Stubborn Body Fat Non-Surgically with CoolSculpting

Let’s be honest, diet and exercise are not fun. They are very challenging, require a lot of time, take up a lot of energy and require a lot of emotional dedication. It is rewarding to see how changes in your diet and switch-ups in your exercise routine can produce changes in your body. However, it […]

Stimulate Collagen Production with CO2 Laser Resurfacing

CO2 laser resurfacing of the skin has been shown to provide long-lasting reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, acne scarring and a host of other skin conditions. Although many women and men are aware of its effectiveness, they might be less aware of the actual reason these treatments work so well. […]

Tighten and Tone with a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces abdominal fat, strengthens core muscles and results in a tighter, toned abdomen. Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck can also remove stretch marks, dimples or other skin imperfections in the abdominal area. During this procedure, our surgeon can remove fat and excess skin. Typically, connective […]